Equinor benytter Sova Assessment testene for å evaluere kandidater til nyutdannede stillinger.
Logisk resonnering tester om du ser regelen i ulike abstrakte mønstre som gis i testen.
Verbal resonnering tester dine evner til å lese en ukjent tekst og å finne frem til relevante detaljer på kort tid.
Numerisk resonnering vurderer om du klarer å finne relevante detaljer i ulike diagrammer og tabeller.
Situational Judgement Test evaluerer hvordan du vil reagere på ulike situasjoner i arbeidslivet.
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Merk at studiematerialet foreløpig er på engelsk
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Vår Equinor Sova PrepPack™ er designet for å gi deg de mest nøyaktige og presise øvelsestestene for at du skal kunne bestå rekrutteringstestene.
Fokuset vårt ligger på å etterligne de ekte testene så godt som mulig. Her har våre testutviklere sørget for at oppgavene i prøvene følger samme format og benytter seg av de samme tidsbegrensningene du vil møte på i rekrutteringsprosessen til Equinor.
Tidsbegrensning: 15 minutter
Antall spørsmål: 15
Sova's test i logisk resonnering inneholder oppgaver som består av mange ulike symboler. Disse symbolene vil oppstå enten i et rutenett eller en rekke med 4 ruter.
Du skal fullføre rekken eller rutenettet ved å velge ett av de seks alternativene som følger regelen i oppgaven.
Hvilket alternativ mangler i rekken over?
Riktig svar er
Mønsteret er at det alltid finnes en linje i hvert par som inkluderer sifre fra samme typen (partall og partall eller oddetall og oddetall).
Merk at hvis et svaralternativ ikke følger dette mønsteret i alle parene, vil det ikke være riktig svar.
F.eks. vil alternativ C ikke være korrekt, fordi det mangler en linje mellom 7 og 5.
Tidsbegrensning: 5 minutter
Antall spørsmål: 8
Life, a mind-blowing nature documentary, captures the different strata of the planet's creatures—mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, plants, insects. Every day is a contest to acquire the limited resources needed for survival. With a subtle lesson in how evolution works, the series delivers the simple message that between hunting for food while at the same time not becoming food, life for the Earth's species is brutal. But far from being morbid, the series instead offers a reassuring depiction of the natural ebb and flow of the life cycle. Seeing the methods that land and sea creatures have adopted to survive gives a clear picture of how they rose to the top of their gene pool, and the skills and features their departed aunts and uncles obviously lacked.
For example, clown fish that hide their eggs in a sea anemone to keep them away from predators are amazingly inventive. The way bottle-nose dolphins off the coast of Florida raise the mud of the shallow sea floor to catch fish is ingenious. Evolutionary resourcefulness is seen as both incredible and cute, an adjective full of condescension. But maybe that condescending attitude is deserved. After all, what primate or sea dweller could go up against human ingenuity? Advanced medicine does not seem to fit in the same class as a primate using a rock to crack a nut. That kind of species' hubris turns out to be the underlying message. The series is sobering in making us realize that our amazement is a symptom of just how far we have distanced ourselves from the order of species. It is then fitting that we are the ones tasked with determining the future of the planet.
The statement:
A sign of the extent to which humans feel way above animals is humankind's commitment to saving the planet.
Velg alternativet du mener er riktig:
The correct answer is Cannot Say.
The passage states that "Advanced medicine does not seem to fit into the same class as a primate using a rock to crack a nut," and that "our amazement is a symptom of just how far we have distanced ourselves from the order of species." However, it does not say that it is progress that caused this distance.
Tidsbegrensning: 10 minutter
Antall spørsmål: 20
Clara HR Services Employees Recruited | |||
Field | 2010 | 2015 | 2020 |
High-Tech | 5 | 15 | 23 |
Customer Service | 42 | 56 | 60 |
Education | 25 | 30 | 34 |
Architecture | 7 | 16 | 23 |
Law Firms | 6 | 14 | 22 |
Real Estate | 23 | 27 | 35 |
Culture | 14 | 19 | 24 |
Clara decided to shut down the two departments that will have the lowest recruitment rates by 2025. Which departments will be shut down?
Find the two fields with the lowest recruitment rates in 2020. These are high tech, architecture, law firms and culture. Then estimate how many recruitments they will have by 2025:
High tech: about 8-10 increase every five years with 23 recruitments in 2020, thus, it will reach 31-33 by 2025.
Architecture: about 7-9 increase each year with 23 recruitments in 2020, thus, it will reach 30-32 by 2025.
Law firms: about 8 increase each year with 22 recruitments in 2020, thus, it will reach 30 by 2025
Culture: about 5 increase each year with 24 recruitments in 2020, thus, it will reach 29 by 2025.
The recruitment rates of law firms and culture will be lower than all other fields by 2025 so these are the departments that will be shut down. The correct answer is (D) Law firms and culture.
Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) evaluerer hvordan kandidaten takler ulike situasjoner i arbeidslivet, særlig i stillingen en vurderes for. Du vil bli presentert for en problemstilling der du skal svare hva du ville ha gjort i den situasjonen. Du får fire alternativer, der du skal velge det alternativet som passer deg mest og det alternativet som passer deg minst.
Du har ubregrenset tid, men det anbefales heller ikke å bruke for lang tid.
The company you work for is experiencing financial difficulties. You have thought of a creative solution that will enable the recruitment of more clients. However, the downside is that the company will have to let go of a stable, loyal, but not so profitable client (due to conflict of interest). Two out of three marketing people agree with you, while your manager does not because she believes this is too risky.
Hvordan ville du ha reagert i denne situasjonen? Velg alternativet som passer deg best og det alternativet som passer deg minst.
Response 1 exhibits your understanding of the organisational structure and demonstrates your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command, as you stand by your superior's decision. This is not a bad choice. However, it shows a lack of determination and effort to achieve your goal, and hence a lack of achievement striving as you easily give up on your idea.
Response 2 demonstrates achievement striving as you try to advance your idea forward. You present the advantages of your idea in an orderly fashion, using a rational argument, thus demonstrating good persuasion and motivation skills. You understand that if your manager keeps objecting, you must accept her position and follow her instructions. This response shows determination, on the one hand, and the ability to conform to the organisational structure and follow the chain of command, on the other. This therefore shows a balance between the two desirable competencies: working under management and achievement striving.
Response 3 demonstrates conviction and determination. However, you completely ignore the organisational structure by going behind your manager's back, thus demonstrating your inability to work under management. Furthermore, if your manager is correct in this step being risky, your actions may have severe ramifications. This is an extremely negative choice reflecting poor judgement, defiance, and disloyalty towards your superior.
Response 4 demonstrates achievement striving and is positive in the sense that you are determined to convince your manager that your idea is good for the organisation. However, this response shows poor social skills, specifically poor persuasion and motivation skills, as you don't conduct an open discussion with your manager. Rather, you try to coerce her into accepting your idea.
Primary competencies: Working under management; Achievement striving
Secondary competencies: Persuasion, motivation, and negotiation skills; Social intelligence
Best response: 2
Worst response: 3
Explanation: This item examines your understanding of the company structure and your ability to work under management, specifically to follow the chain of command and handle your relations with your superiors. The best response is one that balances your ability to work under management with your determination to achieve your goals—in this case, to advance your idea.
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